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Idiomas que hablo
Educación y certificaciones
Postgrado/Máster (cursando): Filosofía Política
Ubicación de mis clases
La Palma de Cervelló · Corbera de Llobregat · Cervelló · Castellví de Rosanes
Perfil de Mateo De Dalmases Friday
Sobre mi
Mis clases
Sobre mi
- CELTA certified teacher which - Worked at an english summer camp (the Village) teaching english following the Cambridge University methodology - One year of online teaching experience - Five years of Track and Field coaching - Bachelor of Arts, Degree in Political Science and Minor in Communication - Certificate in Journalism and Communication at Sciences Po Paris
- CELTA certified teacher which - Worked at an english summer camp (the Village) teaching english following the Cambridge University methodology - One year of online teaching experience - Five years of Track and Field coaching - Bachelor of Arts, Degree in Political Science and Minor in Communication - Certificate in Journalism and Communication at Sciences Po Paris