Michael Gallagher

Michael Gallagher

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I'm Michael.

I've been an English teacher for 15 years, have a master's degree in English literature, and worked for two universities in Spain, as well as two of the best English schools; namely, Berlitz and Vaughan Systems.

Here are ten reasons why my English classes are the best:

(1) I correct my students on every mistake (unlike most English teachers).

(2) I use only high performance English books.

(3) I teach English tenses and conditionals (unlike some English teachers).

(4) I focus on the practical usage of English in real-life scenarios, enhancing your communication skills.

(5) I regularly track your progress and adapt teaching methods to ensure steady improvement.

(6) I go beyond the curriculum to explore literature, culture, and idiomatic expressions.

(7) I provide assistance with writing resumes, emails, and other professional documents.

(8) I offer guidance on using idiomatic expressions to sound more fluent.

(9) I offer additional support via email or messaging for quick language queries.

(10) I offer guidance for preparing for language proficiency exams such as Cambridge and IELTS.

My first class is free. It's a 15 minute level-test where I find out your current level of English, then tell you it, and assign you the appropriate books to study. These books are highly professional and specialised. They will be the basis of our classes, providing you with a solid foundation of knowing what to study. You'll see your progression in English as we master the different modules in them.

Whatever you want English for, whether it's to advance in your career, find you dream job, or simply to sound good in front of your friends, I can help you do it.

With my classes, you won't make the same English mistakes again - I guarantee it!

Thanks for being here.

Ofrece clases particulares a
  • Alumnos particulares
  • Empresas, autónomos y profesionales (in company)
Cómo da las clases Michael Gallagher
  • Online (Skype, Zoom, Classgap)
Habla estos idiomas
  • Español
  • Inglés
Formación: títulos, cursos y certificaciones
  • Postgrado/Máster:

    English Literature

  • TEFL

  • Disponibilidad horaria
    Lunes Martes Miércoles Jueves Viernes Sábado Domingo
Qué opinan los alumnos de este profesor


1 recomendación

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  • 1

Silvia Me ayudó mucho a prepararme para conseguir mi título de profesor...

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Michael Gallagher

Michael Gallagher
48 Años·Profesor con más de 5 años de experiencia
¡Primera clase gratis!
  • Datos verificados: e-mail, teléfono, títulos y diplomas, dirección y opiniones
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