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Clases de Inglés

en Murcia Capital (Murcia)

I give classes tailored to student's needs that include fun workshops with experience teaching both art & english

Para alumnos de:

Infantil y preescolar, Primaria


Iniciación, Bajo, Medio


15 €/h Primera clase gratis

My name is Tyra Schad and I have a background in art, and experience teaching art & writing. I have taught in galleries and elementary school environments and I am able to tailor lessons to different sizes of classes with different needs. I am adaptable, I love to learn, and I love what I do. Teaching is very rewarding to me, and now that I have the CELTA certificate I have a new understanding of language teaching. I hope that I can bring my upbeat attitude to TusClases, and be a great addition to your team.

Best wishes,
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