Philip Burgess

Philip Burgess


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Sumar como pareja en inglés
Judit | Clases de Inglés
Hi there Judit "Sumar como pareja" means there is an "intimate bonding" with your partner. that means a bonding in every sense of the word. physically and mentally, no secrets; a complete yielding to the other half. I hope that helps Un saludo
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What does running out of steam mean?
Jonathan | Clases de Inglés
In Spanish it would mean; quedar sin fuelle.
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Sumar como pareja en inglés
Judit | Clases de Inglés
Hi there Judit "Sumar como pareja" means there is an "intimate bonding" with your partner. that means a bonding in every sense of the word. physically and mentally, no secrets; a complete yielding to the other half. I hope that helps Un saludo
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What does running out of steam mean?
Jonathan | Clases de Inglés
In Spanish it would mean; quedar sin fuelle.
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Philip Burgess

Philip Burgess
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