Ryan Waldrop

Ryan Waldrop

    • ¡Primera clase gratis!
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  • Más de 10 años de experiencia
21 9100


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Hi! My name is Ryan, and I'm from the United States. There, I taught kids with disabilities for 9 years. I moved to Madrid in 2019 in order to teach English and learn Spanish. I have been teaching English for 2 years. My teaching experience in Madrid has been 1-to-1 and 2-to-1 classes privately.

I travel and teach in companies, homes, and coffee shops. I have really enjoyed working with my students and want to continue to add more. I have experience working with both adults and kids. I'm TEFL certified to teach English. I also have a college degree in Science from the University of Mississippi.

My lessons include a theme (Holidays, Art, Humor, Food, etc.) and incorporate the 4 Language Skills: Reading, Writing, Listening, and Speaking. My classes range from 1 hour to 1.5 hours. I also offer Cambridge Prep.

I also offer conversation and pronunciation classes as well. Since the COVID started, I had to adapt to teaching online on Zoom. Now, I do both online and in-person classes.

In my free time, I enjoy hiking, exploring Spain, and watching American Football. I also enjoy eating Tapas and indulging in Spanish culture. My Spanish level is a beginner. I want to continue to learn and practice Spanish. Eventually, I would like to see a Real Madrid match. I hope to be able to do that in 2021, if possible! The cities I've visited in Spain so far are Toledo, Cadiz, Bilbao, San Sebastian, Seville, and Barcelona!

Ofrece clases particulares a
  • Estudiantes de primaria, ESO, bachillerato, universitarios, adultos
  • Empresas, autónomos y profesionales (in company)
Cómo da las clases Ryan Waldrop
  • Online (Skype, Zoom, Classgap)
Habla estos idiomas
  • Inglés
Formación: títulos, cursos y certificaciones
  • Licenciatura:


  • Certificado:


  • Certificado:

    Advanced TEFL

  • Disponibilidad horaria
    Lunes Martes Miércoles Jueves Viernes Sábado Domingo
Anuncios de clases particulares y materias que imparte en este momento
Qué opinan los alumnos de este profesor


21 recomendaciones

  • 5
  • 4
  • 3
  • 2
  • 1

Rodrigo Fuentes Ryan organiza metódicamente sus clases con ejercicios y activida...

Borja Berlanga Gran profesional! Adapta el contenido de las clases a tus necesi...

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Ryan Waldrop

Ryan Waldrop
41 Años·Profesor con más de 10 años de experiencia
17 €/h
¡Primera clase gratis!
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  • Hace tiempo que no se conecta
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Ryan Waldrop
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17 €/h¡La primera clase gratis!
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