Sharon Ruis

Sharon Ruis


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¿Es más económico un curso de inglés en línea que presencial?
Sandra | Clases de Inglés
Hi Sandra, Whether you are having a face-to-face class or an online class you should always be choosing a professional teacher, so costs should be the same. Face-to-Face may charge more if they have to travel to meet you. The main problem is there are many untrained teachers who teach English. There are also many who operate illegally and don't pay their taxes. These are the ones that can charge really low rates. Always work with a legal professional. Cheap isn't always better.
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¿Cómo se utilizan los quantifiers en inglés?
Sara | Clases de Inglés
Hi Sara please check out my blog on quantifiers here
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¿Hay alguna técnica para saber si es un "false friend" en la lengua inglesa?
Eva | Clases de Inglés
Don't translate. Translating hinders your confidence, fluency, and ability to think in your new language. You didn't have false friends when you learn your mother tongue because you had no other language to lean on, so why trust them now? Translating also cause more problems when learning English as many English words have multiple meanings, so if you just translate you may get the incorrect meaning. If you are not sure of the meaning, rather than guessing and ending up with a false friend, or translating, simply go to Google Chrome. In the search bar, type the new word then type 'meaning' next to it. It will bring up all the meanings in the Google dictionary. You can also hear how the word is pronounced. The best way to be rid of false friends to not rely on your native language to help you learn another. That is the biggest false friend. After about A1 to early A2 level, my learners do not translate.
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Diferencias entre present perfect y past simple
ainhoa | Clases de Inglés
Check out for a the list of English tenses with the rules and an example
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¿Cómo se utilizan los quantifiers en inglés?
Sara | Clases de Inglés
Hi Sara please check out my blog on quantifiers here
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Sharon Ruis

Sharon Ruis
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