Soeli Fortuna

Soeli Fortuna


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¿Cómo digo "donde está..." en inglés?
Cris | Clases de Inglés
Hi! Puedes preguntar: Where is ....(name of the place)? Or show an address and ask: Where's this? How can I get to this place? I need to get to this place, please.
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Diferencias entre present perfect y past simple
ainhoa | Clases de Inglés
Let me try! Present Perfect = you use it when you don’t specify the time. Example : I’ve been to the supermarket. (The important part here is that you were in the supermarket, not THE TIME) and now you have food. Simple past = use with specific time phrases (yesterday, last night, in 2022). Example: I went to the supermarket in the morning. The important thing here is WHEN =time You need to have in mind that the present perfect talks about experiences you’ve had in your life, and when you’re going to be give details about those experiences you use the past simple. 1. I have visited 3 countries in Europe. (Experience) 2. In 2019 I went to Portugal. (Specific) I hope I helped! 😉🙌
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¿Cómo digo "donde está..." en inglés?
Cris | Clases de Inglés
Hi! Puedes preguntar: Where is ....(name of the place)? Or show an address and ask: Where's this? How can I get to this place? I need to get to this place, please.
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Diferencias entre present perfect y past simple
ainhoa | Clases de Inglés
Let me try! Present Perfect = you use it when you don’t specify the time. Example : I’ve been to the supermarket. (The important part here is that you were in the supermarket, not THE TIME) and now you have food. Simple past = use with specific time phrases (yesterday, last night, in 2022). Example: I went to the supermarket in the morning. The important thing here is WHEN =time You need to have in mind that the present perfect talks about experiences you’ve had in your life, and when you’re going to be give details about those experiences you use the past simple. 1. I have visited 3 countries in Europe. (Experience) 2. In 2019 I went to Portugal. (Specific) I hope I helped! 😉🙌
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Soeli Fortuna
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