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Clases de Inglés

en Tarragona Capital, Constantí (Tarragona)

TEFL/TESOL and Business English teacher

Para alumnos de:

E.S.O., Bachillerato, Universidad, Adultos, Empresas


Bajo, Medio, Alto


15 €/h Primera clase gratis

Bismark Ayiso is my name. I am from Ghana but currently living here in Spain and Tarragona to be precised. I am a certified TEFL/Thailand a Business English teacher with not less than 8 to 10 years experience in the classroom and the top management level. I hold three certificates as a qualified and well trained teacher to teach English in everywhere in the European continent as mentioned above. I have taught English in not less than three countries which includes Libya in the North Africa, Italy (Rome) in several language centres and public schools. Currently in Spain, I am an online English teacher with the OXINITY group in Barcelona. My other educational qualifications are all in the field of business management and Administration. I am still available for any other teaching job opportunities especially within the areas of Tarragona and it's nearby cities. Any interested employer could contact me through my number +-or through my email as . I would like to also remind you once again that, I am always available to honour your schedule invitation for an interview. Thank you.
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Bismark colabora con TusClases Solidarias

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