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Clases de Inglés

en Gandia (Valencia)

English Teacher: I am a Canadian TEFL certified teacher, here on a university student visa studying advanced TEFL. I bring three years of both professional and educational work experience, teaching learners of a wide variety of skills, abilities, and ages


6 €/h Primera clase gratis

I can also teach in French. I have three years of experience and I thrive to give the appropriate and engaging foreign language classes to my students. I can provide relevant instructions. My command of English grammar is a fundamental aspects of my teaching competence and I am committed to helping them to develop a strong fondation. I am creative and focused on personalized needs. I enjoy outdoors, dancing, and traveling. I developped my own teaching tecniques with a wide range of different English levels. I am here to share my personal and professional fulfillment through teaching and to exploit the full potential of my students.
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