Como decimos "ropa arrugada" en inglés?

Hello there! Could you help me find the best and most natural translation of: ropa arrugada. I have seen in the dictionary wrinkled,creased, crumpled, rumpled... but somehow I'm not satisfied with any of them, since I want to use the most native one. Thanks guys!
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I would indeed use ''wrinkled''. IMO, it's the best one
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You're probably looking for 'wrinkled clothes/clothing', in the sense of 'ropa no planchada'. A 'crease' is more or less 'raya', a linear, partial fold in fabric (made with an iron) or metal. 'crumpled' only applies to materials like paper or metal. 'rumpled' can be a synonym of 'crumpled' (i.e. for paper), and can also be used for clothing or hair in the sense of 'revuelto' or 'despeinado'. All three are 'native', which one you use depends on context.
El creador de la pregunta ha marcado la pregunta como "ha sido de utilidad"
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I would surely use wrinkled, it’s the most appropriate and natural one.
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Thanks Isabel!
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Manuel Quintero Corzo
wrinkled clothes. por ejemplo: your shirts are wrinkled! , those wrinkled t-shirts need some washing dude!
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