Como diriamos "postureo" en inglés?

Hello there! I'd like to use "postureo", in English, we say "postureo" when someone does someting just because it's fashionable, just to look good to the others. For example, I took a picture of myself in a buddha temple pretending I was meditating, so this was just "postureo". Thanks in advance teachers crew! :)
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John Hampton Godbe
Profesor Verificado
The closest verb is 'to pose' but the plain meaning is 'posar' (for a photo, painting, etc.) To convey the idea that it's just being done for appearances, you could use the colloquial expression 'to be a poser': "He's such a poser, he only wants to look good for his Instagram." You normally wouldn't call yourself 'a poser'.
El creador de la pregunta ha marcado la pregunta como "ha sido de utilidad"
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Cheers John! I have a clear idea on how to use this expression! Hope I can be of some use sometime :)
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Michael Reynolds
Profesor Verificado
Poser for the person, posing for the action
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Cheers Michael!
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Giselle Levine
Profesor Verificado
I would just say something like "He/ She is a poser" or "He or she is posing" ;)
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As my colleagues wrote before, 'to be a poser' / 'posing'. Hope you get to use it sometime :-)
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