¿Existe alguna expresión en inglés para decir 'Dos en uno'?

Hi guys!Could someone enlighten me with the translation of the spanish expression 'Dos en uno' which we use to say that we have 2 good things in the same one thing. For instance: a student said: you are like a therapist to me and an English teacher: dos en uno! So with the same price, she gets two things.Is there a expression in english to express that?Thanks a lot in advance!Judit
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Jose Antonio Barros
Twice in once, significaría, "dos veces en una vez".
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It's the same expression in English: "two in one." You could also use "two for [the price of] one" (dos por uno) in a figurative sense. And *very* colloquially, there's the word "twofer" (two for one).
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Thanks a lot John! You are unbelivable when it comes to translation!
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Sebastian Puente
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