How to learn English

Artículos escritos por profesores particulares de Inglés nativos


STOP! Infinitive or -ing form? Grammar B2

What is the difference between these two sentences? 1.       I stopped talking to my friend 2.       I stopped to talk to my friend Maybe you think they mean the same, but that is a big mis...
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Writing an essay in English (part 4 of 4): conclusions. Level B2 and C1

This article will help you with FCE, CAE, IELTS and TOEFL. When you write an essay, you must always remember to write a conclusion. To some students, writing a conclusion seems unnecessary. Maybe in your culture this is not necessary, but you need t...
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Idioms with the colour “green”, vocabulary B2/C1

Fields and forests are green. Some people have green eyes or wear green clothes. My favourite colour is green. But when is green not green? Let’s look at some idioms with green. 1.       Green with envy / the green-eyed...
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Still Wondering whether to Study American or British English?

American or British English? This is an outdated debate based on a false dichotomy. Professor Jenkins employs the term “World Englishes” to refer to all the varieties of English that we can find in the world. Thus, this binary opposition between Ame...
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Do you want to speak like a native? Check these idioms!

In the use of the English language, idioms can be very useful but, sometimes, also difficult to understand. An idiom is an expression in a specific language that doesn't have a literal meaning but a peculiar signification that is popularly known. Th...
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Confessions of an English teacher! I hide the vegetables...

Dear Student of English, I thought it would be useful to share a few experiences from a teacher's point of view.  But I promise not to scare you with that dreaded word again.“GRAMMAR”. Even thinking the word can give you a chill, I know! It see...
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How Conversation Practice Can Improve Your English

Do you feel like you are struggling to improve your English? Do you understand a lot, but find it difficult to communicate properly? This is why it is important to practice your speaking skills regularly. Though this can be difficult at first, it wi...
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Which exam is right for you? Review of the TOEFL exam

This is how TOEFL scores compare IELTS and CEFR levels: Today, I will look at the TOEFL, the American English exam many USA universities require to offer you a place. Unlike UK exams, TOEFL is ONLY done online. You get a score from 0 to 120. Typica...
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Which exam is right for you? Review of the IELTS exam

This is how IELTS scores compare to the CEFR levels: But which exam is right for you? Today, I will look at the IELTS, the International English Language Testing System, developed by Cambridge in response to the American TOEFL (I will cover TOEFL i...
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Which exam is right for you? Review of the Proficiency exam (CPE)

You may already be familiar with the European language levels (CEFR): But which exam is right for you? Today, I will look at the Proficiency exam of Cambridge, level C2, the highest level you can achieve as a non-native English speaker. Great objec...
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Which exam is right for you? Review of the Advanced Certificate (CAE)

You may already be familiar with the European language levels (CEFR): But which exam is right for you? Today, I will look at the Advanced Certificate of Cambridge, level C1. This is what stricter employers and higher-ranking universities will requi...
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Which exam is right for you? Review of First Certificate (FCE)

You may already be familiar with the European language levels (CEFR): But which exam is right for you? Today, I will look at the First Certicate of Cambridge, level B2. This is what many employers and universities will require as a minimum. What ar...
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¡POR ESTO NO SABES INGLÉS! - 3 claves para aprender inglés

What's up students! How you doing? En primer lugar, me presento: me llamo Irene y tengo 24 años. Soy de una pequeña ciudad de España llamada Cuenca y me dedico a enseñar y transmitir mi forma de ver el inglés. Ahora que ya me conoces un poco más, va...
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Four different ways to say “angry” in English (B2 vocabulary)

Do you want to learn new ways to say “angry”?  Then, this article is for you. You can expand your vocabulary with new expressions for your B2 course. 1.       To get cross You probably know this word as a verb that...
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