
Mejora tu vocabulario con los consejos y artículos de nuestros profesores


Quieres comunicarte como un nativo — ver los episodios en inglés

A veces, podemos estar subestimando nuestras habilidades auditivas porque tenemos malos recuerdos de escuchar inglés desde la escuela. Como resultado, puede haber diferentes restricciones cuando se les pregunta: ''Where’s a restroom?" [1], y respon...
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Trucos para aprender vocabulario más rápido

El secreto para aprender nuevas palabras                          Carpetas corporales Las carpetas ... en tu cuerpo te ayudarán a recordar una larga lista de productos o los nombres de...
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45 Useful email expressions you need to know

En el trabajo, en la universidad, en la vida... para todo hay que escribir un correo hoy en día. Saber cómo hacerlo bien es esencial para proyectar una buena imagen personal. Si quieres bordarlo en tus e-mails, coge libreta y boli. Cómo empezar... D...
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Gabriela Renee

Prepositions IN ON AT - talking about time

We are going to talk about prepositions. When English speakers talk about time and place, there are these words that often come up: IN, ON and AT are among the prepositions that tell time and place.  In this post we are going to cover these t...
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Who's hungry? : Food idioms you'll love in English

Ever met anyone who's all gong and no dinner? This is a Northern English phrase meaning all talk and no action. It refers to the practice of banging a small gong to summon the family to dinner and reflects the disappointment felt when...
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Am I going on a trip, travel, tour, voyage or journey? Holiday or holidays?

With the Easter break just around the corner (and a 4-day weekend if you live in Spain!) you might need to know the difference between these words; especially if you're planning to go further afield. We'll look at each of them one-by-one. The first...
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"Receipt" o "recipe": ¿cuál es el que quiero?

En el último artículo del blog inglés, vimos una lista completa de falsos amigos. Ahora os quiero enseñar la diferencia entre varias palabras inglesas que son muy a menudo confundidas. ¿Qué es lo tienen en común? Todos se refieren a cosas escritas p...
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Nobody likes a copy cat! Words, set phrases and idioms with the word "cat"

Cats are one of the most searched subjects on the Internet. So, for all those feline lovers out there, I thought we'd look at all the words and expressions related to cats. Here it goes! 1. Words which include CAT Okay, so these don't really ha...
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HOW WOULD YOU SAY...? Son frases comunes, pero ¿sabrías decirlas?

Do you think you would be able to translate the following sentences into English? Yes? Give it a try!   - ¿Qué tomarás para el almuerzo? - Hace frío, quizás llueva. - ¿Puedes prestarme tu bolígra...
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La palabra "jam" en inglés causa muchos líos

La palabra "jam" en inglés tiene muchos sentidos. Vamos a repasar todos los significados.  Hablemos del oso Paddington. Para los que no lo conocen, es un icono literario británico (búscalo en Google). Aquí está...
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The days of the week and the Viking gods

My first article in Spanish talked about the coming of the New Year. For the first contribution in English, I'd like to talk about the days of the week. Of all the first words we learn in English, they're arguably the most difficult to spell an...
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8 Practical Ways to Learn All the Foreign Language Vocabulary Needed for Conversational Fluency

Did you know that 1,000 words can get you a long, long way in a foreign language? It might not seem that easy when you’re looking at the raw numbers. The Oxford English Dictionary includes more than 170,000 English word entries. The "Hanyu Da C...
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Differences between American and British Vocabulary and its translation to Spanish

Many people get confused about vocabulary when they hear different way to pronounce it or even when they hear a different version of it. The truth is that Leven though both American and British are used, the American one is becoming more and more po...
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I don’t cook. Oh, I’ve tried! But I am just not good at it (1) so I spend my evenings eating toasts with guacamole and pretending real food is overrated. There were times when I used to think I was going to eat out at fancy restaurants e...
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