Layla S. Vidal

Opiniones de Layla S. Vidal

Layla S. Vidal



21 recomendaciones

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Es una profesora magnífica con gran dominio de la materia y muy profesional. Estoy muy contenta de las clases que me impartió. Repetiría sin duda.


I was extremely impressed with Ms Layla’s professionalism as a teacher. Her lessons are well planned and completely individualized and she always had the patience to keep revisiting a topic when I didn’t understand. I would highly recommend her to anyone looking for a tutor and I know she would be my number one choice if I had the opportunity again.

Laura dominguez

Geniales. Muy buena profesora. Te hace las clases amenas, muy cómoda con ella

Lana Radi

Layla’s primary focus in the classroom is always on the students - that they are learning, that they are engaged and the lessons are not just useful but fun. She makes sure that lessons pertain to students’ lives and interests making language learning not just enjoyable, but also relevant. In addition to being able to identify students’ needs, she is also able to anticipate learning problems and design lesson plans and activities to address those problems. She is able to bring creative ideas into the classroom while still pursuing the academic agenda. Layla has a unique talent is always creating a specialized learning environment. She is warm, enthusiastic and caring so that students feel comfortable participating in class and they do not feel embarrassed when making a mistake or asking for help. When makes Layla stand out from so many other teachers is her natural ability to connect with people. She is able to make a classroom feel like home.

Javier velasco

Layla es una profe agradable, con una conversación interesante, es paciente y te ayuda a mejorar sin que te des cuenta.


Consiguió quitarme el miedo escénico. Es muy educada, cariñosa y tiene mil métodos para darte seguridad y que te apetezca aprender y aprender.


Layla fue mi maestra por varios años en primaria y secundaria. Sin duda alguna su método de aprendizaje, disciplina y su enseñanza fueron parte importante para formarme y convertirme en lo que soy hoy. Es una de las mejores maestras que he tenido en la vida, y después de tantos años de conocernos y por la confianza, ahora puedo decir que es una amiga a quien le tengo mucho cariño.


La mejor maestra que he tenido en toda mi vida, la recomiendo al 100%!!!

Gerardo Vidal

En mi experiencia, ella es una persona bastante profesional, dedicada a sus clases y a sus alumnos y lo mas importante es que es una persona muy preparada.


Layla es una de las mejores maestras que he tenido. Siempre se aseguró que entendiera y que no tuviera dudas. Sus clases siempre fueron muy entretenidas e interesantes. Siempre se preocupó por sus alumnos , y siempre nos motivó a ser mejores personas y hacer el bien.

Alejandra Tagle

Layla es una maestra creativa y dinámica. Con ella es imposible aburrirse lo que hace que los estudiantes aprendan. Tiene muchos años de experiencia y eso es obvio cuando tomas clases con ella.


I would like to place a sincere recommendation for Layla. Layla taught me Spanish over the course of many years. She is a dedicated teacher who always tried her best to help me understand the concepts being taught. I learned faser

LaAisha Lorick

I worked with Layla when she served as an English teacher at Applied Technology High School. She was professional, effective, and compassionate to all. Her students respected and admired her. I sat in many of her lessons and she was always prepared and creative in getting the information taught to the students. As a colleague, she was always helpful and positive. She is a wonderful example of both a great team member and effective leader. She is passionate about education and would positively change any environment that she works in.

Allan K

I worked alongside Miss Layla for 3 years in the UAE and throughout that time her teaching ability, professionalism and relationships with staff and pupils was exemplary. Layla was a huge part of our team, continually going above and beyond to help ensure her students consistently achieved excellent grades in their English exams whilst learning in an environment that was motivating and enriching for every student in her class. I wish all teachers had the passion for teaching that Miss Layla has in abundance!

Juan Ignacio

Excelente maestra... muy paciente! Explica claro y con facilidad. Cuenta con mucha experiencia y vocación. Domina con maestría los contenidos! Volvería a estudiar con ella!

Daniela O

Layla fue mi maestra hace 10 años. Es una de las maestras que ha dejado mayor impresión en mi, pues después de tanto tiempo, seguimos en contacto. Cualquier institución sería dichosa en tener a Layla como profesora.

Moisés Ricardo Vidal Peña

Conozco a Layla por muchos años. Es una persona emprendedora y con mucho talento. Es una excelente docente con enormes capacidades. Honrada y leal.

Dr. Omar Al nousri

I have known Layla for more than 6 years as her supervisor. She is really a professional teacher who has impact on her students and colleagues. She is extremely dedicated and has assisted her students beyond classroom.


Es una maestra muy empatica y dedicada. Se interesa genuinamente por sus estudiante. Es de esss maestra que uno recuerda con cariño.

Larbi Yazid

I have worked with Layla the last past five years in high school in Abu Dhabi, she is very professional and commited, hard and smart worker at the same time.

Contacta sin compromiso


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Layla S. Vidal

Layla S. Vidal
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Layla S. Vidal
Layla S. Vidal (21) Madrid Capital (Madrid)
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