Silvia Popa

Opiniones de Silvia Popa

Silvia Popa



6 recomendaciones

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Silvia's classes are very interactive and interesting, I have learned a lot of things in a short time. I appreciate a lot the fact that she is very flexible and knows how to adapt to your needs. If she sees that you need to improve vocabulary, she will know how to help you express better, same thing for grammar. I totally recommend her and I just love her style. Thanks a lot Silvia, I am very grateful for your time and knowledge sharing, it helped me a lot!

Oana Maria Rinceanu

Energic, happy and joyfull, constantly brings new teaching methods. A good teacher who cares about her students and enlarges our curiosity to dive deeper in languages as this will open doors to new possibilities, to better communication and other people.


Dynamic and very flexible method. I have felt great progress during the 4 months that I have been with her.

Alexandra G

Silvia is a very thoughtful tracher who puts a lot of thought into how she present lessons. Evey lesson was engaging and useful. I would highly recommend her to anyone interested in learning english.

Víctor Osa

Excelente! Transmite sus conocimientos con un trato genial, generando un buen ambiente. En un curso me ayudó muchísimo a mejorar mi nivel de inglés


Las clases con Silvia son muy dinámicas y están adaptadas a las necesidades del alumnos. Además me gusta mucho ya que es exigente y eso ayuda a mejorar semana a semana. También importante destacar la flexibilidad en los horarios y días de las clases. Gracias Silvia!

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Silvia Popa

Silvia Popa
36 Años·Profesora con 5 años de experiencia
22 €/h
¡Primera clase gratis!
Silvia es voluntaria en TusClases Solidarias
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Silvia Popa
Silvia Popa (6) Barcelona Capital (Barcelona)
22 €/h¡La primera clase gratis!
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