Como puedo decir: " vaya hostia me he metido" en inglés?

Hi there! I'd like to know how to translate "una hostia" como cuando bajas rápido por una pista de esquí y te caes. I've come across " a blow" but it's not actually the same in this context? Could someone enlighten me please? Thanks in advance! Judit
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In the example “vaya hostia, me he medito” could be translated to “oh crap, I’ve gotten myself into it now” or “aw man, I’ve really stepped in it now”. As for a bad fall going down a ski slope you could say “I took a real digger going down the slope” or “that slope was wicked hard and I had a bad fall.” I hope this helps! -Megan
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Thanks Megan! It does help indeed!
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Christopher Briggs
Profesor Verificado
Hi Judit, "I've just had the wind knocked out of me." "I've just fallen flat on my face." "I've just gone down like a carthorse." The first, you can also use figuratively after a shock. The second too, figuratively, if you've done something foolish. Of course, any of the above could be anticipated with 'f*ck/Jesus/Christ, etc, etc :-) Or all three haha.
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Those are awesome versions of my spanish sentence! Thanks Christopher!
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Prithika Tully
Profesor Verificado
What a fall I took! What a beating/bashing I took!
El creador de la pregunta ha marcado la pregunta como "ha sido de utilidad"
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