My name is Bethan, but you can call me Brian...2.0


After I graduated from my undergraduate degree, I was faced with the same decision as every other graduate... What on earth do I do next? My undergraduate degree was not exactly career focussed, so on the one hand I had a world of opportunities ahead of me, but on the other, how was I meant to know how to filter those opportunities, let alone stand out from the crowd. 

Long story short, I got a job as a project manager in a translation company - pretty relevant considering I had studied languages. It was a small company with amazing colleagues (who I am still close friends with today) and I enjoyed my time working there as I was exposed to so many new experiences across different languages. From Japanese to Thai to French and Spanish.

The joy of language is the difference it brings. Every language has it´s own culture alongside it, and mine being Welsh, is tied to my name. When I worked in that company, we decided to write on the board behind us a table of all of the different variations of our names we had been called by clients. Ultimately, my being called Brian topped the charts, and is a story we still talk about today.

As I have come back full time to language, I am excited to see all the new challenges. Well, and the new variations to my name which I am sure I will be fronted with!

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