How to learn English

Artículos escritos por profesores particulares de Inglés nativos


The benefits of visual learning and teaching

Why is visual learning and teaching important? The numbers may vary slightly but 83% of people learn by seeing, 11% by hearing and the remaining 6% learn by touching, moving and doing. The research has shown that visual teaching helps students bett...
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Ventajas y desventajas de un profesor nativo de inglés

Ventajas de escoger un profesor de inglés nativo Los beneficios de elegir un profesor cuya lengua materna sea el inglés son muchos. Una virtud que solo los locales pueden aportar. Para la educación en línea, nada es más importante que un buen tutor....
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Michael O'Connell

Un Poema Misterioso Para Probar Vuestra Comprensión y Pronunciación

Durante el tiempo enseñando inglés, lo que me ha gustado más que nada - a los alumnos también - es crear mis propios materiales para las clases. Esto me permite diseñar la clase específicamente para los habilidades de los propios alumnos, y además,...
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Gospel Recordings Network as a massive linguistic project

The documentary “Tailenders” is dedicated to a social project organized by a missionary organization called Gospel Recordings. It is aimed at spreading audio recordings of Bible stories in every language of Earth and getting the message of Christ ac...
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Una colección de pensamientos o ventajas del aprendizaje basado en el pensamiento

El pensamiento también tiene varios tipos: figurativo, abstracto, lógico, creativo. El pensamiento figurativo es un tipo de pensamiento que se caracteriza por la dependencia de ideas e imágenes. Por ejemplo, un artista concibe una imagen en detalle...
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Being a Native Teacher - Pros and Cons in another country

Is there more pros than cons being a person who speaks English in a native way in another country? To know about the answer, continue reading..... A person who arrives at another country to teach people his/her native language it can be easy or...
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Ana Belén

The past simple (o el pretérito perfecto simple)

Hello everyone; Hoy os traigo este post para explicar cómo y cuándo utilizar el past simple. ¿Para qué se emplea? Se podría resumir que el past simplese utiliza para hablar de situaciones que ocurrieron en el pasado y que ya no tienen ninguna v...
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Ventajas y desventajas de un profesor nativo de inglés

The world around us as well as the relationships, whether they are social, political, national, sexual, cultural or any other, are perceived through the language. Also language can be treated as a key factor in obtaining political power, economic re...
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Skills related tasks: gist reading (Shopping)

The topic shopping may be appropriate for an open group of pre-intermediate teen-age learners with mixed or similar abilities. Shopping, especially under parents’ supervision, might arouse students’ curiosity and activate their schemata, something...
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For the teacher: helping our students learn

How often do you talk about learning with youtr students? Have you ever asked them how they learn best? Do you adapt your lessons to suit your learners? What methods and techniques and approaches do you use in the classroom? Reflecting on these ques...
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The future is written in English . Your time is now!

Seguramente muchas veces te has propuesto aprender inglés; ya bien sea porque es un idioma necesario para tu trabajo, para superar tus cursos académicos o por el placer de aprender, pero con el paso del tiempo, lejos de hacerlo lo que has conseguido...
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Welcome to my World - The Future of Teaching is in the Present

Welcome to my world. The world is not perfect.  We have seen that with the Covid-19 pandemic that forced us to pause in all of our normal routines. We have seen this in the way schools in Europe     suffered outbreaks, and i...
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For the teacher: Helping Elementary Learners with Informal Writing

Choice of Focus The focus of this essay will be helping elementary learners with informal writing.  Getting lower level students to write informal letters and postcards is important for a variety of reasons especially when we consider the conte...
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For the teacher: traditional dictation versus dictogloss

Dictogloss differs from more traditional EFL dictations in a number of ways.  The most important difference is that the dictogloss approach centers on grammar and allows both students and teachers to identify what learners do not know and what...
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