How Conversation Practice Can Improve Your English

Do you feel like you are struggling to improve your English?

Do you understand a lot, but find it difficult to communicate properly?

This is why it is important to practice your speaking skills regularly. Though this can be difficult at first, it will improve your level overall.

I work as an English Language Assistant in a secondary school and have seen first - hand how speaking practice can boost students confidence when it comes to communicating in English. 

Here are some ways you can do it:

1. Practice With A Friend

If you and your friend are both studying English, practising together can be a good way to start. Though you will want to take classes with an English speaker eventually, if you are feeling nervous about it, you can start off by practising with a friend. 

2. Go To An Intercambio

Intercambios are a fun and free way to practice your speaking skills. There are many different types, such as one on one, big groups, and online, and you can choose what type you feel most comfortable with. 

3. Have A Conversation Class

Sometimes in traditional academies, there is not as much focus on speaking, which is why private conversation classes are the best way for you to practice. This could be good for you if you are shy and are hesitant to practice your speaking at a big Intercambio, or want to practice speaking about certain topics. Your teacher will also prepare materials in advance for you, so you are making the best use of your time. 

4. Online Apps

 There are many applications these days to help you practice your English, but some of them are dedicated solely towards speaking. If you don't have a good conversational level but wish to practice your speaking, these are perfect. A native speaker will listen and correct your pronunciation and speech. 

While there are multiple ways to practice speaking English, if you are looking for a productive and effective way to improve your speaking, conversation classes are the best method. Your teacher will ensure you use your practice time well. 

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