Lesson Plan - Passive and Active Voice for B1 students

Hi, this is one of my lesson plans for my B1 Cambridge Pet classes. They are a great group so I decided not to spend too much time on the grammar. Instead, I wanted to get straight in to practising using the passive and active as to avoid them thinking too much about the rules and structure:

Main aim: Cover the essential grammar linked with the Active and Passive voice and to have the class all up to speed with why it’s used and how to form it. They will then go on to practise it in class.

    Subsidiary aim: Extra exposure to regular and irregular past participles, pronunciation and         vocabulary surrounding the topics being used to show the Active and Passive voice.

    Personal aim: I need to slow down and speak more clearly, I need to be methodical and             logical with my explanations whilst also checking all the class understand without singling           anybody out. I want to stop saying ‘ok?’ and ‘alright?’ all the time. At times I need to change       the grammatical lexis for a simpler form.

Materials used:

Various materials created by me 

Complete Pet students book (Cambridge University Press)

Assumptions: Most of the class will have no trouble with this however two of the students will certainly struggle with the grammar. I will need to keep the lesson basic as it’s their first exposure to this grammar. With this I think the three better students may need              extension activities.

Anticipated difficulties with the task: The grammar is difficult and new to them. Different levels within the class will certainly require extension activities to keep them focused.

Solutions: Their first introduction to this grammar will be kept simple and fun. I will include lot's of pair work, games and I will avoid individual work as to avoid any students feeling left out or left behind.

Conclusion: The lesson was a success, we had a great time and they seemed to grasp the concept. I used jumbled up sentences for them to rearrange, a whiteboard explanation for them to refer to throughout the lesson, picture cards with the past participles and I finished off with giving them homework so they could practise what they had learnt independantly.




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