Type of lesson: english on-line/present and practice lesson.
Levels to practice: Between A2 and B1.1 (it’s also going to be needed some A1 vocabulary and grammatical structures to get a certain prove of the student’s level)
Topic: Basic grammatical structures to ask WH-questions. Conversational space. Verbs and vocabulary (Restaurant and Bar).
Basic grammatical structures to ask WH-questions:
What are the WH-questions and what do we use them for?
The WH-questions are all those questions that start with:
- What
- Who
- Where
- When
- Why
- How
- Whose
- Which
We can never answer these questions with YES or NO, it must be answered with a sentence that exposes some kind of explanation, for example:
- What are you doing? - I am studying english.
- Who are you talking to? - I am talking to my English teacher.
- Where do you live? - I live quite far from here.
- When did you decide to start studying English? - I decided to start studying English a few months ago.
- Why do you want to study English? - I want to study English because I kinda need it for my job?
- How do you need it for your job? - I am currently a waitress and I have a lot of english clients and I need to improve my English skills.
*Have you noticed what happened to all of the question’s structures we used? They all have the same grammatical structure.
The main structure of the WH-questions is:
WH-question’s pronoun + (auxiliary or modal) verb + subject + (main) verb, but if we ask a question with the WH-questions whose or which, the structure is not going to be the same, for example:
Whose phone is ringing? - My phone is ringing or mine.
Which T-Shirt is yours? - The one with the big letters on the front.
This type of questions have different structure:
WH-question’s pronoun + object + (auxiliary or main) verb + adjective, preposition, verb, pronoun, etc.
Now let’s use them on a "Bar and Restaurant" dialog:
Write a dialog of your own that contains all of the WH-questions we used today and it should have a concordance with the “Bar and Restaurant” topic to train the vocabulary.
1.1 - Try to use as many different vocabulary verbs, adjectives and pronouns as possible to perfect your dialog.
1.2 - Practice the dialog on your own and be aware of your pronunciation.
1.3 - Record yourself reading the dialog to listen to it and to be capable of getting your own mistakes.
2. This is a fill in the blank: Grammar
When ____ you _____ to ____ again? I love serving your favorite coffee. (verb - to come + future time)
How __ __ _______ that you didn’t finish your drink? - Because I think I've already drunk too much. (verb - to be possible - present time)
What ____ you _____ with the bottles? - I'm orginizing this whole place. (verb - to do - continuous present)
3. Type of Exercise: Vocabulary training.
Dialog between two people: Waiter/ress (who the student plays) and a random client.
Place: Bar
Situation: Client Service
*Verbos A1 y A2 que el estudiante ya debe dominar para llevar a cabo este tipo de ejercicios:
- Be – Ser/estar
- Have – Tener
- Do – Hacer
- Make – Hacer
- Get – Conseguir
- Take – Tomar
- Try – Intentar
- Know – Saber
- Think – Pensar
- Feel – Sentir
- See – Ver
- Watch - ver
- Give – Dar
- Bring – Traer
- Buy – Comprar
- Cost – Costar
- Break – Romper
- Put – Poner
- Eat – Comer
- Sleep – Dormir
- Drink – Beber
- Understand – Entender
- Write – Escribir
- Read – Leer
- Speak – Hablar
- Tell – Decir
- Meet – Encontrarte (con alguien)
- Teach – Enseñar
- Learn – Aprender
- Send – Enviar
- Forget – Olvidar
- Dream – Soñar
- Pay – Pagar
- Sell – Vender
- Call – Llamar
- Play – Jugar
- Drive – Manejar
- Travel – Viajar
Client - Hello, there!
Waiter/ress - free greeting.
Client - I’m searching for a place where people serve good cocktails. Please, tell me I’m at the right bar.
Waiter/ress - free answer.
Client - How can you assure me that I’m going to get a good drink here? What makes it so special?
Waiter/ress - free answer and explanation (depending on the student’s answer…. the dialog continues).
Prepare a presentation about yourself, everything you think it’s important to know about you and get ready for a job’s interview.