Key to master the monster: why English is the king of all languages

English is this multiple-headed beautiful monster that lures you with its charm, but also drives you up the wall and teases you by its endlessness. Its grammar seems easy at first, but then you find out things that amaze and even shock you. The pronunciation becomes stressful for non-natives when they discover that English has 3 types of /a/ and different kinds of /t/. But the main problem of this marvellous langage is its vocabulary, which never ends, I can assure you. There's always something you don't know, there's always something new to learn. I may say that this is one of the most appealing feautures of this multiple-headed beautiful beast, the king of all languages, which can tell you a whole story through a simple phrasal verb (e.g. dream one's life away), allow the use of a single preposition as the core of a sentence (e.g. I'm off) or offer multiple synonyms of a concept enriching one's ideas with colourful nuances (look, stare, gape, glare. ogle, gaze, peek....).

The main reason one should master the English language shouldn't be its usefulness, its universality, its power or its practicality, but its daunting beautiful nature, the ultimate challenge it represents and, last but not least, the ability to understand the king of the poets: Shakespeare. 

What else do you need to take English up?

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